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Build and Discard - The Disposable EXPERTISE PARADOX
Freelancers bring essential skills to build brands’ in-house studios, yet as these studios mature, the very creatives who set the standards often find themselves replaced or sidelined. This ‘disposable expertise’ paradox reveals the challenges facing freelancers caught in a cycle of undervaluation and job insecurity within the evolving content creation landscape.
E-commerce Efficiency in 2024: Workflow Optimisation
Discover how Studio Workflow can transform your e-commerce content creation in 2024. Streamline operations, boost productivity, and reduce costs with our expert workflow solutions.
EasyRead : Designing Content Creation Studios : Operational Flow vs. Creative Brand Story
When it comes to designing content creation studios, there are two main approaches that you can consider: Design by Operational and Product Flow and Design by Creative Brand Story. The short easy read version of our longer post.